lest thou must in fear conceal thine own little Achilles heel.
If you sit on an idea
The origin of Moses
The poem ‘Moses’ was in large part inspired by this particular scene of a graphic swine slaughter from the 1993 documentary “My Brother’s Keeper,” which coincided with a incident that happened to someone close to me.
It always begins
with a fly
already swallowed
Teddy’s Camp
With mom’s goodbye, the tears flow.
A hug, a wave… it’s time to go
Teddy gets on the bus to start
off for camp, sad to part.
Teddy takes a ride in red.
Woo-Hoo! What fun! He said.
Gone fishin’
Do fish like plaid
I do . . . Do you?
My hat is plaid.
It’s a plaid hat.
A plaid fisherman’s hat…
I wear them for the characters that come out with full force… I wear them by mood of course.