Pete's Poetry

The Poetry of Theft


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  1. It commenced its voyage on an ocean of dreams
    As passengers boarded children’s happy screams
    There was elegance and poverty the rich and the poor
    All had the same fate ending on the oceans great floor

    As Titanic left shore the crowds waved their farewell
    Goodbye to their loved ones and bidding them well
    As the ship drifted off on the ebb of that tide
    No-one could foresee its fate, so hard to abide

    The rich and the famous decorated the room
    With their expensive gowns they made the men swoon
    Romance filled the air sad stories we hear
    Of the young and in love who had nothing to fear

    On this ocean of dreams then tragedy occurred
    An unforeseeable iceberg the memory is blurred
    All felt a slight jolt but the entertainment went on
    Only the Captain and Crew knew the panic to come

    The Captain then ordered an SOS to be sent out
    “We don’t have much time” to all he did shout
    The message came through the ships fate was done
    Ships too far away in time could not come.

    The lifeboats were lowered not enough room for all
    Then panic ensured, panickers to the sea did fall
    Women and children first, all crying for their Dad
    The musicians played on though their music so sad

    A Priest gave comfort to those who had fear
    “It’ll be over soon” a Mum whispers in her child’s ear
    Sleep now my children, drift off to the land of nod
    Soon we’ll be in Heaven and will all be with God

    The Titanic up-ended and to the sea they all fell
    They ended their lives to the sea’s frozen hell
    The lifeboats half empty didn’t come to their aid
    Tragically out of such numbers not many were saved

    A Film was made from account of those who survived
    A wondrous dedication of the passengers lost lives
    It tells of a love story, one died one lived on
    How she kept her promise & their hearts did go on

    Dedicated to all who died on The Ship of Dreams.

    written my carol marsden

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