I daydream oft of redemptive blood
splayed about
the room
about me…
I daydream oft of redemptive blood
splayed about
the room
about me…
When my demons come for me
I won’t go with them willfully.
When my demons come for me
They chase my shade eternally
to holler and bellow
“Submit and follow.”
When my demons find my shadow
all weak, my gut hollow…
My little moon
Moon bright
Pure night
Snow quiet
Miles of air
To frame this night
Do-what the music dictates
Do-what… Do-what
But what happens when a baby dies…
is that capitalized?
onthed evi lishna tureo fwo mense ductioni sanol dmansr e aliza tio noft hetru enatu reofw hatw omenc allfe mininit ythet rueex tento fwhic hme nwis einye arsan dexperi enc ebeyondal loth erswi llne verfat homth epow ersoffe mininit yarederi vedfro mman ysourc esfir stthefel inegrac eofeas ymov ementands leeklin escaref ullycur vedth enthesh arplin edcuri osityo fpoutyp erfecti onnott oforge tthelac iviousn essofla vishli psandfin al lytheet ernalte aseofthet remblingta il.
I love espresso,
So sweet and so strong.
My eyebrows dance
As I sip soft blackness,
is it so easy to leave love
to rush off without a word
to run away spurred by anger
for what occurred
is it not absurd…
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