
Posted by in My Travels, The East

I remember following up the long incline
Of cement stairs
Along the steep sided alleyway
To the peak of our expression
And the open expanse

I recall the lights of HeukSeok dong
Staring up at mid night
Arcing like an amphitheater
With the dark stage reflecting stars… wobbling
The light movement of shades across the Han

I remembered your ballet
And the blackness of your velvet eyes
Enveloping me in a comfort
Lacking light
A place not of sunshine
But the peace and rest of autumn night

I recall the rhythm
Of my heartbeat in your ear
The curve of your lips
The color of your heat
Relaxed… absent of fear

I remembered the length of night
I spent alone — a time
To linger on the laughter
To ease in with the music of memory
The scent of you near