A nation ignored
(A tribute to the Juche overlord)
What happens to a nation ignored?
Does it dry up
like some dream deferred…
it’s citizens starving,
their vision blurred?
Will they wait in weakness, remain unheard,
caged and cornered, become inured
to military first, the fear, the force?
Can they be riled, enraged… be stirred
to take what was fed them
word for word and break the succession;
to shake the constant procession of oppression
followed by session after session
of unadulterated aggression?
What happens to a people starved
for truth, fed falsehood as fact
carved in hard stone as if somehow
the impact made it futile to redact.
Eking out existence in the constant quest of a meal, and yet
finding only thirst and threat.
Resigned to the effort unavailing, to the constant emptiness,
the hollow state, the impotent and fruitless quest.
Living on a diet of paradise lost and Dear Leaders parading
through the deafening hunger of false utopia’s invading
voices, drown in a thousand tank procession
wanting only the food of faith in their nation
their energy waning,
their fealty fading,
their patience lost…
At what cost?
What happens to a nation ignored?
Will it wither on in an untoward state
or rise up pen and sword with hate?